7055 Heather St, Vancouver; V6P 3P7
Pui Ying Churchill Chinese School was established in 2011. It offers combined Cantonese and Mandarin (Pin Yin & Conversation) classes.
培英 Churchill 中文學校於2011年開辦。課程以粵語為主,每節課都附有三十分鐘國語 (繁體) 會話及拼音時段。
* Resumption of in-person classes on 4 Feb 2023
Inquiries 查詢:
Pui Ying Centre 604-821-1262
請致電培英中心 604-821-1262
Email 電郵:
Class Time 上課時間:
9:30 am to 12:00 pm
(120 min. Cantonese + 30 min. Mandarin per class)
上午 9:30 至 12:00
(粵語課 120 分鐘,附國語時段 30 分鐘)
Classes Offered 課程:
Cantonese + Mandarin (Traditional) : K1 to Grade 8
粵繁+國繁 : 幼低至中二
Fee 學費:
K1 – G6: $340 (15 weeks / 37.5 hours)
G7 – G8: $360 (15 weeks / 37.5 hours)
GST and textbooks are included.