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Origin 創立起源

The family of Pui Ying has expanded tremendously since the establishment of Pui Ying School in Guangzhou by its founder, Dr. Henry V. Noyes, in 1879. The predecessors and many others have made great efforts to establish the school and educate the young through the years. Today, alumni associations of Pui Ying are founded all over the world.

The Board of Directors of Pui Ying Middle School of Hong Kong always remembers with gratitude that our founder with a bold vision travelled alone from America to China to preach the gospel and promote education in the midst of adversities. To commemorate our founder’s noble spirit of serving and educating people, the Board of Directors adopted a resolution to establish Pui Ying Christian Services Society in Vancouver in 1992 to promote education and cultural learning.





History 年事錄

  • 1992

    November 24

    Approval of the establishment of Pui Ying Christian Services Society (PYCSS) in Vancouver by the Board Directors of Pui Ying Middle School in Hong Kong.

    Registration of Pui Ying Christian Services Society as a non-profit organization in Canada.


    11月24日  中心正式獲准在加拿大註冊為非牟利機構

  • 1993


    Opening of the Society’s first Chinese School – Pui Ying Kerrisdale Chinese School, which was a subsidiary of PYCSS.

    9月  創辦首間中文學校培英Kerrisdale中文學校

  • 1994

    July 23

    Grand opening ceremony of PYCSS and the official beginning of its operations.

    7月23日  中心會址正式啟用,並舉辦開幕典禮


    Opening of the Pui Ying Centre Chinese School.

    9月  開辦培英中心中文學校

  • 1995


    Opening of the Pui Ying Windermere Chinese School.

    6月  開辦培英Windermere中文學校

  • 1996


    Opening of the Pui Ying Trafalgar Chinese School.

    9月  開辦培英Trafalgar中文學校

  • 1997


    Registration of Pui Ying College as a post-secondary education institute with the Private Post-Secondary Education Commission of British Columbia.

    11月 正式在卑詩省私立專上學院監管局註冊為「培英學院Pui Ying College」


  • 1998


    Pui Ying Gardening Club was formed

    4月  培英園藝社成立


    Opening of the Pui Ying Champlain Heights Chinese School and the Pui Ying Carleton Chinese School.

    9月  開辦培英Champlain Heights中文學校及培英Carleton中文學校
  • 1999


    Grand opening ceremony and banquet to celebrate the expansion of the Pui Ying College Building with a total of 4,400 square feet for educational purposes.

    7月 慶祝培英學院擴建完成揭幕典禮及晚宴,教育設施總面積達四千四百平方尺


    Opening of the Pui Ying Maple Grove Chinese School.

    9月 開辦培英Maple Grove中文學校

  • 2000


    Opening of the Pui Ying Captain Cook Chinese School, Pui Ying Fleming Chinese School, PuiYing Hastings Chinese School and Pui Ying St. Francis Chinese School.

    6月 開辦培英Captain Cook中文學校、培英Fleming中文學校、培英Hastings中文學校、及培英St. Francis中文學校

  • 2001


    Opening of the Pui Ying Hugh Boyd Chinese School and McNair Chinese  School in Richmond.

    9月  開辦培英Hugh Boyd中文學校及培英McNair中文學校

  • 2002


    Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of PYCSS with a commemorative bulletin and a series of celebration events : an open house exhibition, a thanksgiving service and a grand banquet.

    7月  培英中心成立十週年紀念活動


    Opening of the Pui Ying Begbie Chinese School.

    9月  開辦培英Begbie中文學校

  • 2005


    Introduction of a two-week English Immersion and Cultural Exploration program “Stories of Vancouver” for students from Pui Ying Schools in Hong Kong and schools operated by the Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China.

    7月  首辦為期兩星期的「溫哥華的故事」暑假英語及文化探索夏令營,對象主要為香港培英中學及中華基督教教會屬下的中學生


  • 2006


    “Stories of Vancouver” in the summer.

    7月  ˹温哥華的故事˼夏令營

  • 2007


    Celebration of the 15th Anniversary of PYCSS with a commemorative bulletin and a series of celebration events : an interactive exchange with the University of British Columbia, an open house exhibition, a thanksgiving service and a grand banquet.

    7月  培英中心成立十五週年紀念活動


    Opening of Pui Ying General Wolfe Chinese School, Pin Ying Van Horne Chinese School.

    9月  開辦培英General Wolfe 中文學校、培英Van Horne中文學校

  • 2008


    Opening of Pui Ying Lakewood Chinese School.

    9月 開辦培英Lakewood 中文學校


  • 2009


    Official opening of Pui Ying Centre in Richmond, British Columbia.

    9月 列治文辦事處正式啟用開幕誌慶


  • 2010


    Organized Computer classes for seniors.

    1月   舉辦長者電腦班


    Organized a children Summer Camp with Richmond United Church.

    6月  協和教會合辦「協培品格建立夏令營」

  • 2011


    Organized the Fun Arts Festival, Mr. Malcolm Brodie, Mayor of Richmond, conducted the ribbon cutting ceremony.

    2月 配合列治文市政府舉行的藝術節,中心舉辦「繽紛藝術展」,列治文市長馬保定先生親臨剪彩


    Opening of Pui Ying Churchill Chinese School.

    9月  開辦培英Churchill 中文學校



  • 2012


    Designed and offered “Dinosaur Mandarin” courses for pre-schoolers.

    1月  中文學校特別設計「恐龍國語」幼兒國語課程


    Opening of Pui Ying Lochdale Chinese School and Pui Ying Waverley Chinese School.

    2月  開辦培英Lochdale中文學校、 培英Waverley 中文學校


    Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of PYCSS with a commemorative bulletin and a series of celebration events : an interactive exchange with the University of British Columbia, an open house exhibition, a thanksgiving service and a grand banquet.

    7月  培英中心成立二十週年紀念活動


  • 2013


    Opening of Pui Ying Kitchener Chinese School, Pui Ying Capitol Hill Chinese School and Pui Ying Windsor Chinese School.

    9月  開辦培英Kitchener中文學校、 培英Capitol Hill 中文學校、 培英Windsor 中文學校

  • 2014


    Opening of the Pui Ying Burnaby Central Chinese School (Mandarin Class) / Pui Ying Clinton Chinese School / Pui Ying Maquinna Chinese School / Pui Ying Montecito Chinese School and Pui Ying Richard Wong Chinese School.

    開辦培英Burnaby Central(國語部)中文學校、培英Clinton中文學校、培英Maquinna中文學校、培英Montecito中文學校、培英華耀中文學校

    Setup of Pui Ying Women’s Club


  • 2015


    Opening of the Pui Ying Harbour View Chinese School and Pui Ying Taylor Park Chinese School.

    9月  開辦培英Harbour View中文學校、培英Taylor Park中文學校

  • 2016


    “Year of Monkey” Chinese New Year Fun Fair.

    2月  舉辦 ˹龍飛鳳舞喜迎猴˼ 農曆新年開放日活動


    Opening of Pui Ying Burnaby Central Chinese School (Cantonese Section) and Pui Ying MacCorkindale Chinese School and Pui Ying Parkcrest Chinese School.

    9月  開辦培英Burnaby Central(粵語部)中文學校、培英MacCorkindale中文學校、培英Parkcrest中文學校


    Flying Eagle Child Care Centre was incorporated.  

    11月  飛鷹托兒中心正式註冊

  • 2017


    “Year of Rooster” Chinese New Year Fun Fair.

    2月  舉辦˹金雞報喜慶新春˼ 農曆新年開放日活動


    25th Anniversary of Pui Ying Center.

    7月  培英中心成立二十五週年紀念活動


    Opening of Pui Ying Brandfort Chinese School

    9月  開辦培英Brandfort中文學校

  • 2018


    “Year of Dog” Fun Fair.

    2月  ˹靈報喜慶新春˼ 農曆新年開放日活動

  • 2019


    Offered English Programs for Adults.

    3月  開辦英語班(成人組)


    Opening of Pui Ying Alpha (Mandarin) Chinese School.

    9月  開辦培英Alpha(國語部)中文學校


  • 2020


    First time offered Summer online courses for kids.

    7月  首辦網上兒童暑期課程


    First time offered Conversation online courses for children.

    9月  首辦兒童網上會話班

  • 2021


    Summer online courses included Pinyin and Reading for Beginners (Cantonese & Mandarin).  Materials developed by principals and teachers from Pui Ying Chinese School.

    7月  暑期網上新課程開拓拼音班及閱讀班 (粵語組和國語組), 教材由培英中文學校校長及老師編輯團隊統籌設計


    Pui Ying Chinese School Online continued in 2021-22 amid pandemic uncertainties.

    9月  中文學校2021-2022學年於疫情未明朗期間繼續進行網課 


    PYCSS 30th Anniversary Editorial Committee was set up.

    10月  成立基督教培英中心30週年特刊編輯委員會



  • 2022


    To celebrate PYCSS 30th anniversary, we organized a coloring and drawing contest. Award ceremony and tea party was held on 6 August.

    5月  為慶祝培英中心成立三十周年, 舉辦填色及繪圖比賽。頒獎禮及茶會於8月6日舉行


    Summer courses for kids include new classes in creative writing,   Chinese Calligraphy for adults classes resume

    7月  舉辦暑期新課程創意寫作班, 成人書法班重開


    Pui Ying Chinese School offered both online and in-person classes.

    9月 中文學校提供網課及實體課程

    Pui Ying Chinese School offered in-person classes at St Jude Elementary School and Richmond Chinese School

    中文學校於St Jude Elementary School及列治文培英中心提供實體課程


    Pui Ying Chinese School offered in-person classes at Van Horne Elementary School and Windermere Secondary School

    10月 中文學校於Van Horne Elementary School 及Windermere Secondary School提供實體課程


    PYCSS 30th Anniversary; web publication of the 30th Anniversary Special Bulletin

    11月  培英中心創辦三十年。周年特刊首度以電子版登載及紙體版同步發行



  • 2023



    Pui Ying Chinese School offered both online and in-person classes.

    1 中文學校提供網課及實體課程

    Pui Ying Chinese School offered in-person classes at Clinton Elementary School and Taylor Park Elementary School.  

    1 中文學校於Clinton Elementary SchoolTaylor Park Elementary School提供實體課程




    Pui Ying Chinese School offered in-person classes at Burnaby Central Secondary School, Churchill Secondary School, Hastings Elementary School, Kerrisdale Elementary School,  and McKechnie Elementary School.

     中文學校於Burnaby Central Secondary School, Churchill Secondary School, Hastings Elementary School, Kerrisdale Elementary School,   McKechnie Elementary School提供實體課程




    The Advisory Committee on PYCSS 30th Anniversary Celebration was formed on 11 May 2023.

    5  基督教培英中心3 0 周年籌委會 511日成立  




    Pui Ying CSS hosted the 30th Anniversary Dinner on 5 August 2023.

    8  為慶祝培英中心成立三十周年85日舉辦周年晚宴 




    Pui Ying Chinese School offered in-person classes at Kitchener Elementary School.

     中文學校於Kitchener Elementary School提供實體課程




    Pui Ying Chinese School offered Chinese Enhancement class at Trudeau Elementary School.

    11  中文學校於 Trudeau Elementary School提供輔導班

  • 2024


    Finished edition of “Mandarin Conversation Level 1”  textbook for beginners.

    2  完成編寫「國語會話 」初級教科書



    Finished design of Grade 7 (Cantonese) textbook.

    4  完成編寫培英中文學校粵語)教科書



    On June 22, Pui Ying Chinese School organized the 2023-2024 Joint Graduation & Year-End Ceremony after a 4-year suspension of the event due to COVID  pandemic.

    6 22日培英中文學校於後四年復辦2023-2024聯合畢業暨結業禮

© Pui Ying Christian Services Society